Monday, March 14, 2011

More things to say...

Here's another thing I want to say before our baby is born...(I'm 39 weeks today!)

About a month ago my friend Rebecca posted this video/song by Andrew Peterson on her FB page.

I loved it. I loved him. I've bought his most recent CD since then and feel a connection with many of the songs. Check him out...

But giving Andrew Peterson a plug on my blog is not the reason I bring him up. Instead, it's more about my husband and some of the the lyrics in the song "Dancing in the Mine Fields."

Bela and I left Romania 4 months ago. Coming home to the states was, for me, while not an easy decision, one that was in many ways necessary. Especially being pregnant with our first baby. I was battling with much anxiety over the pregnancy and other things and so coming to the states just seemed the best decision for our family.

But it was the hardest choice for my husband.

He is Romanian. He's never wanted to live anywhere else but Romania. He'd served for over 10 years with Word Made Flesh in Romania. He loved the kids, the community. His parents are in Romania. His future was in Romania.

We knew that coming to the states would mean going through the immigration system (not an easy nor an esteeming process). It would mean figuring out a future in terms of jobs because, while educated, we didn't know how that education would translate in the states for him. He'd have to make new community, new friends. We'd be living with my parents. He'd have to learn how to get around a new city, new cities since we're in Southern California.

And he did it. He left everything. For me. For us.

Before listening to the Andrew Peterson song I'd often thought about what my husband had done similarly to the lyrics Peterson uses...

But to lose your life for another I've heard
is a good place to begin
Cause the only way to find your life
is to lay your own life down
And I believe it's an easy price
for the life that we have found.

Scripture says that there is no greater love than when a man lays down his life for his friends. Or his wife. Or his family.

I've not ever known a greater human love than the one my husband has shown me in leaving his life. I often pray that what he has lost will be replaced manifold times. That in losing his life, he will find it.

I wanted to say these things before our baby is born so she knows ahead of time what a great man her dad is. How much he loves us.

And while it often feels that he and I, Bela and myself, in this move to the states are 'dancing in the mine fields,' that all of this is harder than we dreamed, we also believe that this very thing is what the promise we made to one another is for.

May our child find safety and home in that promise.


C.C. and Double T said...

Wow. I understand what you have so beautifully said. My husband, too, left Romania. A different time. Different reasons. Yet, the same. In 1996 when he finished college, his plans were to go back to his homeland and his family. He had a home. He had a job waiting for him. Until, me... and he decided to stay, marry, and immigrate. When he was little, he told his mother, "some day, I will go to America and take you with me." Well, come to America, he did. And, she has visited us once. So, I guess he made true on his promise. Now, we are able to better care for her here than we could there. Change is never easy, but being where God has for you is better than being anywhere else that you want to be. Blessings on your marriage and your soon-to-arrive daughter...

monica said...

I know what a huge sacrifice this move was for Bela. I am in tears thinking about his self-sacrificing love for you, your baby and so many others. I have been at the receiving end of his generosity of heart many times. I am so happy for you both and for this baby who has such incredible parents.

Mel (AKA Dad, Papa Mel, Grampa) said...

thank you Bela for sacrificing your home and all that you know for our daughter. paulette

Joybird said...

Beautiful tribute. BTW I'm in SoCal, too. I can only imagine how "foreign" this land is for your husband.

Melissa Campbell said...

Wow. Again, your heart and words are so beautiful. The song is like a testimony for my husband and I. When we married I was 19 and he was 21. And its been a hard road, but 27 years later I know a Light that makes the shadows disappear. And that Father of lights has brought us through the storms. He will be with in the coming ones as well. Thank you, April. You have blessed me doubly today. :)

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