Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gone from Galati

The Klepacs left Romania last Monday after having lived in Galati for 9 years. While I only knew them for a year, they are dear friends. Sometimes a little time is all it takes. And now, they are deeply missed. They were an incredible support to us, so wise, creative, funny, talented, smart, etc. (Seriously...I'm not just saying that...they are!)Their boys, Simeon and Abram, such a joy.We hope to see them at our wedding in June when Joel will stand as a groom's man for us. Until then, and even after, we will miss them everyday!

Robin, Monica, and myself

Abram was hiding under the cute.

Simeon wasn't feeling so hot the last couple weeks of his time in Galati, so he didn't especially want me to take his picture. Thankfully, he let me. Isn't his tongue cute?


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