Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some photos

Here's a few shots of the 'knobs' in my room....
except for me. I'm not a knob in my room...although perhaps my head is a bit knobbie. Or, I could wear knobbies in my hair, right E?


In case you were wondering how to get from the Art Museum to the drop-in center, here are the directions:

De la muzeu, o iei la dreapta pe Domneasca si mergi drept inainte. Traversezi strada Melchisedec Stefanescu si apoi strada Basarabiei. Intre Stefanescu si Bsarabiei este catedrala si langa catedrala este politia. Pana la intersectia dintre Domneasca si Garii, mergi la stange. La colt este biserica catlica. Mergi drept inainte si apoi la dreapta. Apoi prima la stanga, apoi prima la dreapta, si apoi la dreapta din nou. Acum mergi drept inainte pe Dogariei. Te opresti la Dogariei 111 pe dreapta.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Botanical Gardens

Our Friday excursion this week was the Botanical Gardens. They were nice, but if you come visit me I probably won't take you there...
Here are a few pictures. The little guy in purple came in this new Minnie Mouse outfit. He bought it for 7.6lei at piata mare...he was very proud of this. (If you do come to visit me we will go to piata mare). Anyway, all week long he's been wearing these shorts that are turned over at the waist a couple times so that they'll fit, but they still fall down. I'll say: Adi, pull up your pants. And he'll smile and say: scuze! He's a total doll...really.
The last 2 days he has also been fond of smelling my armpits and telling me I stink. I don't, but he doesn't like the smell of my deodarent and says I stink. He also likes to snuggle into me...can you tell I adore him?
I can't show his face, but here's his outfit and his little feet. (I know that I could make fun of his Minnie Mouse outfit since he makes fun of my smell, but I don't. He has so few things...and he does make Minnie look good).
The picture of me by myself he took...and then later Lenuta and I took a picture together because we were wearing the same color.
Lenuta and I are hoping to go to a play therapy training in Bucarest next week as long as housing works out. We're hoping for free housing. Actually, the only way we can go is if we have free housing. So please pray for us about that.

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